To enrol your child for Baptism please contact the Parish Centre at 19 Dean Street. You can do this by calling personally, by phone, or by email.
In St Canice’s Parish Community there are four steps involved in our approach to the celebration of the Sacraments.
1. Enrolment
2. Pre Sacramental Preparation
3. Celebration of the Sacrament
4. On-going Sacramental formation
To enrol your child for Baptism please contact the Parish Centre 19 Dean Street. You can do this by calling personally, by phone, or by email. Once you have made the initial contact our parish secretary will provide you with details of dates / times etc. and make a booking for you. At least two weeks’ notice must be given. Baptisms are celebrated on the first and third Saturday of the month at 3pm
Pre Sacramental Preparation
Once you have booked your date a member of the Parish Baptism Team will call you to arrange a visit to your home to prepare you for the celebration for the Sacrament. They will explain the various parts of the celebration and what you will need to do. They will also help you to prepare readings and prayers for the ceremony
Celebration of the Sacrament
When you arrive at the Church you will be greeted by a member of the baptism team and by Fr Jim or Fr Kieran who will preside at the celebration of the Sacrament. families are always encouraged to actively participate in the celebration by reading the Word, and leading the intercessions
On-going Sacramental formation
Following the celebration of Baptism it is important that the family of the newly baptised feel assured of the support of the Christian community. An annual celebration for the families of those recently baptised is held & further home visits are arranged by priests and post baptism team members
Baptismal Certificates
Baptismal Certificates can be obtained from the Parish Office. To facilitate us in our search for your Baptismal Certificate we need the following details as accurately as possible. Please give as much information as you can.
- First Names
- Family Name
- Father’s First Name and Family Name
- Mother’s First Name and Maiden Name
- Date of Birth
- Parish in which you were baptised
- Your full postal address.
The above information can be posted to us at: St. Canice’s Church, 19 Dean Street, Kilkenny or emailed to: [email protected]