St. Canice's Church, Kilkenny St. Canice's Church, Kilkenny
St. Canice's Church, Kilkenny St. Canice's Church, Kilkenny
St. Canice's Church - In the Past St. Canice's Church - In the Past


“Stay and watch with me.”
Your words, Lord, to the disciples
before your suffering and death.
I know, Lord, You will stay and watch over me
all the days of my life.

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Welcome to our Parish

The people of our parish show a great pride in our Churches and parish and we hope to continue the excellent work of our predecessors and the various organisations and committees within the parish. If you contribute to the life of the parish by attending Mass and other celebrations, give your time and talents as a volunteer in one of the many lay ministries and/or provide financial support, we would like to offer our sincere thanks and encourage you to continue to be part of our parish family as it grows and develops.

Mass Times

St Canice's Church

Monday to Friday 9:15am
Saturday 7:30pm
Sunday 10:00am, 11:30am
Confession Saturday 7:00pm or by appointment

Weekly Notices

Talk on Cardinal Newman

October 4, 2019

On Wed next 9th October 2019 at 7.30pm, Fr. Tom Norris will host a talk and discussion in St. Canice’s on the subject of Cardinal Newman who is to be canonised a saint at a ceremony in Rome next weekend.
Fr. Tom has studied Cardinal Newman and is an authority on the subject. It…

Holy Week Celebrations in St. Canice’s

April 16, 2019

Spy Wednesday – St. Mary’s Cathedral 7.30pm Mass of Chrism

Holy Thursday
Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7.30pm .St. Canice’s
Good Friday
3.00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
7.30pm Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil
7.30pm Vigil Mass in St. Canice’s
9.00pm Vigil Mass in St.…

Christmas Mass Times

December 14, 2018

Christmas Masses
Mon 24th Christmas Eve
Childrens’ Mass 5.30pm
Vigil Mass 7.30pm

Tuesday 25th Christmas Mass 9.30am, 10.30am & 11.30am

Christmas Week Daily Mass at

Please Note: From January 1st, Daily Mass will be at 9.15am

October Retreat at St. Canice’s

September 28, 2018

There will be a 3 day retreat on Mon 8th ((7.30pm), Tues 9th (7.30pm) Wed 10th (9.10am). Fr Tom McGrath, Mill Hill Missionary will lead the talks with the theme being Fr Jim O’Connell’s book ….”A Life to Live…Awakening to God’s Abiding Presence.” There will be a talk and Benediction each evening and Mass on…

St. Canice’s Church Renovation

January 12, 2018

During the past week I was looking after the opening of the church. It was lovely to sit in the church in the early morning to pray and to enjoy the silence at the beginning of the new day. During that time I was giving thanks to the Lord for the great work which has…

See All Notices

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.